EcuBus-Pro Script API Documentation


The script based on TypeScript/JavaScript in node.js environment. we use ts to do syntax check and use esbuild to build the script, the build script is in the .ScriptBuild folder.

Vscode is recommended to edit the script, you can install the TypeScript extension to get the syntax check and intellisense. alt text


We also plan to provide a vscode extension to let you build the script in vscode directly.

alt text you can get the build error info in Message window if there is any error in the script. alt text

You can open the API window to get the API info. alt text

Init function is the entry of the script, it will be called when the script is loaded.

Util.Init(() => {

Timer is node.js built-in feature, you can use it to do some periodical work. more details about the timer, please refer to Timer

// periodical output can message
let timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

// stop the timer

//refresh the timer

listen to the key event, you can use it to do some work when the key is pressed.

// listen to the key event
Util.OnKey('s', () => {

listen to the can message, you can use it to do some work when the can message is received.

// listen to the can message
Util.OnCan(0x1, (msg) => {
// listen all can message
Util.OnCan(true, (msg) => {

listen to the uds message. <tester name>.<service item name>.recv is used to listen to the uds message received. <tester name>.<service item name>.send is used to listen to the uds message send.

// listen to the uds message
Util.On('Can.DiagRequest.recv', (msg) => {
//receive diag response
Util.On('Can.DiagRequest.send', (msg) => {
//receive diag request