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UDS Hex File Programming Example

This example demonstrates how to program a hex file into an ECU using UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) protocol. The project shows how to use HexMemoryMap to parse a hex file and program it into an ECU using block transfer.


The example implements a programming sequence using the following UDS services:

  • RequestDownload (0x34)
  • TransferData (0x36)
  • RequestTransferExit (0x37)

Tester Config

Tester (tester.ts)

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  • 0x34
  • 0x36
  • 0x37

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tester.ts Implementation Details

HexMemoryMap Usage

The project uses HexMemoryMap to parse an Intel HEX file:

const hexFile = path.join(process.env.PROJECT_ROOT, 'Hello_World.hex')
const hexStr = await fsP.readFile(hexFile, 'utf8')
const map = HexMemoryMap.fromHex(hexStr)
// Convert hex data into memory blocks
for (const [addr, data] of map) {
  pendingBlocks.push({ addr, data })

More details about HexMemoryMap can be found in the API documentation.

Programming Flow

The programming process is divided into two main job functions:

Job Function 0 (Initial Request)

  • Reads the next memory block to be programmed
  • Sends RequestDownload (0x34) service with memory address and size
  • Gets maximum block size from ECU response
const r34 = DiagRequest.from('Tester.RequestDownload520')
const memoryAddress = Buffer.alloc(4)
r34.diagSetParameterRaw('memoryAddress', memoryAddress)

Job Function 1 (Data Transfer)

  • Splits data into chunks based on maxChunkSize
  • Sends TransferData (0x36) for each chunk
  • Sends RequestTransferExit (0x37) after all chunks
  • Restarts process if more blocks exist

Key Features

  1. Dynamic Block Size Adjustment

    • Adjusts block size based on ECU capabilities
    • Aligns to 8-byte boundaries for optimal transfer
    maxChunkSize -= 2 // Account for block sequence counter
    if (maxChunkSize & 0x07) {
      maxChunkSize -= maxChunkSize & 0x07
  2. Block Sequence Counter

    • Implements 1-255 rolling counter for block tracking
    const blockSequenceCounter = Buffer.alloc(1)
    blockSequenceCounter.writeUInt8((i + 1) & 0xff)
  3. Automatic Block Management

    • Queues multiple memory blocks
    • Handles transitions between blocks automatically
    • Restarts programming sequence for each block

Flow Diagram

ECU Simulation

Node 1(ecu.ts) simulation that responds to the programming requests. The ECU side handles three main services: alt text

1. RequestDownload (0x34) Response

Util.On('Tester.RequestDownload520.send', async (req) => {
  const resp = DiagResponse.fromDiagRequest(req)
  // Response: 0x74 (positive response)
  // 0x40: length format identifier
  // 0x00000081: maxNumberOfBlockLength (129 bytes)
  resp.diagSetRaw(Buffer.from([0x74, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0x81]))
  await resp.outputDiag()
  • Responds with positive response (0x74)
  • Specifies maximum block length (129 bytes)
  • Uses length format identifier 0x40

2. TransferData (0x36) Response

Util.On('Tester.TransferData540.send', async (req) => {
  const resp = DiagResponse.fromDiagRequest(req)
  // Response: 0x76 (positive response) + block sequence counter
  resp.diagSetRaw(Buffer.from([0x76, Number(req.diagGetParameter('blockSequenceCounter'))]))
  await resp.outputDiag()
  • Acknowledges each data block with positive response (0x76)
  • Echoes back the block sequence counter
  • Simulates successful data transfer

3. RequestTransferExit (0x37) Response

Util.On('Tester.RequestTransferExit550.send', async (req) => {
  const resp = DiagResponse.fromDiagRequest(req)
  // Response: 0x77 (positive response)
  await resp.outputDiag()
  • Confirms completion of transfer with positive response (0x77)
  • Simulates successful programming completion

The ECU simulation provides a complete test environment for the programming sequence, allowing developers to test their programming implementation without actual hardware.


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