Build In Script
The Built-In Script system provides pre-configured diagnostic services for common UDS operations. This documentation covers the available built-in scripts and their functionality.
Supported Built-In Script
A combined service that handles the complete binary download process by orchestrating UDS services 0x34 (RequestDownload), 0x36 (TransferData), and 0x37 (TransferExit).
This script automates the process of downloading binary files to an ECU by:
- Initiating the download request
- Transferring the data in appropriate chunks
- Completing the transfer process
dataFormatIdentifier (8-bit)
- Format identifier for the data to be transferred
- Default: 0x00
addressAndLengthFormatIdentifier (8-bit)
- Specifies the format of memory address and length
- Default: 0x44 (4 bytes for address, 4 bytes for length)
memoryAddress (depends on addressAndLengthFormatIdentifier)
- Target memory address for the download
- Default: 0x00000000
- Binary file to be downloaded, will change memory size automatically
Creating Custom Scripts
Custom scripts can be created to extend the functionality of the diagnostic system. Your can create and save your own script, and use it in the future.
Here's how to create your own script:
Script Structure
Directory Setup
- Create a new directory under
${App Install Path}/resources/app.asar.unpacked/resources/buildInScript/
- Name it according to your script's function (e.g.,
- Create a new directory under
Required Files
: Configuration fileindex.js
: Implementation file
plugin.json Configuration
"service": {
"name": "MyCustomScript",
"fixedParam": true,
"buildInScript": "index.js",
"hasSubFunction": false,
"desc": "Description of your script's functionality",
"defaultParams": [
"param": {
"id": "parameterName",
"name": "parameterName",
"bitLen": 8,
"deletable": false,
"editable": true,
"type": "NUM",
"phyValue": "00"
"defaultRespParams": []
index.js Implementation
const ECB = require('../../lib/js');
Util.Init(() => {
const testerName = Util.getTesterName();
// Register main function
Util.Register(`${testerName}.MyCustomScript`, async function(parameters) {
// Create diagnostic requests
const request = new ECB.DiagRequest(testerName, {
id: "",
name: "",
serviceId: "0xXX", // Your service ID
params: [],
respParams: []
// Implement your logic here
return [request];
Best Practices
Parameter Definition
- Define clear parameter structures in plugin.json
- Support appropriate data types (NUM, HEX, ASCII, BUFFER, FILE)
- Set proper bit lengths and editability
Response Processing
- Define expected response parameters
- Implement response validation
- Handle different response scenarios
Example: Simple Counter Script
// index.js
const ECB = require('../../lib/js');
Util.Init(() => {
const testerName = Util.getTesterName();
Util.Register(`${testerName}.CounterScript`, async function(startValue, increment) {
const request = new ECB.DiagRequest(testerName, {
id: "counter",
name: "Counter Service",
serviceId: "0x22",
params: [],
respParams: []
request.diagSetRaw(Buffer.from([startValue, increment]));
return [request];